
I dont wanna fall fall fall asleep now
I dont wanna fall fall fall asleep now

i dont wanna fall fall fall asleep now

As you probably already know, if you keep using it. I tried diphenydramine before I go to bed, that seems to work, but it makes me over sleep. It's every night I go to bed at 7 am or 8 am. But it's not the sleep schedule that's the problem. I use to work the night shift, that's why I'm on this sleep schedule. I'm not working or anything, I don't have any un-needed stress right now. Sometimes if I do get up 4 hours later, I can fall asleep easily (in the past). I should be able to go to bed at 8 am and wake up at 4:00 pm, or 5:00 pm. Sometimes I don't even wake up when the alarm clock is set. I don't know if I woke up at 5:00 pm, but I kept setting the clock further ahead. That is 11 hours of asleep I didn't need. It only took about 1 hour and 15 mins to fall asleep. I went to bed at 9:15 am, woke up at 1:20 pm. Then fell asleep again at 2:00pm, and woke up at 4:30 pm. Friday it worked wonders, because I went to bed at 8 am, woke up at 1:00 pm. This usually works, it takes me 1 hour to fall asleep after I only sleep for 4 hours. Problem is now, to remedy the problem I take 12mg of diphenhydramine when I wake up.

i dont wanna fall fall fall asleep now

Not to mention frustrating for me to sit there for 2 hours and 33 mins to try and fall asleep again. But I go way past when I want to wake up. I only really need 9 hours of sleep or 8 hours of sleep. If I take no pills, it will take me approximately 2 hours and 33 mins to try and fall asleep again.

i dont wanna fall fall fall asleep now

But what happens is this, I wake up 4 hours later. I go to bed, I have no trouble falling asleep.

I dont wanna fall fall fall asleep now